Arkansas Arkansas

Alimony Guide - Spousal Support Laws

Arkansas | Domestic Violence and Military Deployment


  • § 9-13-110

Official Law Text

			    			A court of competent jurisdiction shall determine whether a temporary modification to an order for child custody or visitation is appropriate for a child or children of a mobilized parent. (2) The determination includes consideration of any and all circumstances that are necessary to maximize the mobilized parent's time and contact with his or her child that is consistent with the best interest of the child, including without limitation: (A) The ordered length of the mobilized parent's call to active duty; (B) The mobilized parent's duty station or stations; (C) The opportunity that the mobilized parent will have for contact with the child through a leave, a pass, or other authorized absence from duty; (D) The contact that the mobilized parent has had with the child before the call to active military duty; (E) The nature of the military mission, if known; and (F) Any other factor that the court deems appropriate under the circumstances.

Arkansas | Relocation Because of Domestic Violence


  • § 9-15-215

Arkansas | Domestic Violence Mandatory Training For Judges


  • § 20-82.206

Official Law Text

		    			The Child Abuse/Rape/Domestic Violence section within the office of the Chancellor of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences shall have the authority and responsibility to educate trial, appellate, and municipal judges, among other professionals, on issues, interventions, and other matters associated with child abuse, rape, and domestic violence.

Arkansas | Domestic Violence Mediation


  • § 9-12-322

Can court mandate mediation in custody cases?

			    			Yes. When the parties to a divorce action have minor children residing with one (1) or both parents, the court, prior to or after entering a decree of divorce, may require the parties to submit to mediation in regard to addressing parenting, custody, and visitation issues.

Are there provisions?

			    			A party may move to dispense with the referral to mediation for good cause shown.

Who can mediate?

			    			The parties may choose a mediator from a list provided by the judge of those mediators who have met the Arkansas Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission's requirement guidelines for inclusion on a court- connected mediation roster or select a mediator not on the roster, if approved by the judge.

Arkansas | Domestic Violence Primary Aggressor


  • § 16-81-113

Official Law Text

		    			When a law enforcement officer receives conflicting accounts of an act of domestic abuse involving family or household members, the law enforcement officer shall evaluate each account separately to determine if one party to the act of domestic abuse was the predominant aggressor. When determining if one party to an act of domestic abuse is the predominant aggressor, a law enforcement officer shall consider the following factors based upon his or her observation: (a) statements from parties to the act of domestic abuse and other witnesses; (b) the extent of personal injuries received by parties to the act of domestic abuse; (c) evidence that a party to the act of domestic abuse acted in self-defense; or (d) prior complaints of domestic abuse if the history of prior complaints of domestic abuse can be reasonably ascertained by the law enforcement officer. A law enforcement officer may consider any other relevant factors when determining if one party to an act of domestic abuse is the predominant aggressor. When a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe a person that is a party to an act of domestic abuse is the predominant aggressor and the act of domestic abuse would constitute a felony under the laws of this state, the law enforcement officer shall arrest the person who was the predominant aggressor with or without a warrant if the law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe the person has committed the act of domestic abuse within the preceding four hours, or within the preceding 12 hours for cases involving physical injury, even if the incident did not take place in the presence of the law enforcement officer. When a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe a person who is a party to an act of domestic abuse is the predominant aggressor and the act of domestic abuse would constitute a misdemeanor under the laws of this state, the law enforcement officer may arrest the person without a warrant if the law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe the person has committed those acts within the preceding four hours, or within the preceding 12 hours for cases involving physical injury, even if the incident did not take place in the presence of the law enforcement officer.

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