North Carolina
Marriage & Family Law Home
North Carolina | Section Summary
Marital age requirements in North Carolina:
Male (parental consent)
Female (parental consent)
Welcome to MaritalLaws! In this section you will find information on laws regarding alimony, child support, custody, divorce, visitation, and even property division for the state of North Carolina.
North Carolina | Alimony Law Summary
How is the Process of Alimony Handled?
In the state of North Carolina, following or during a divorce, dissolution of marriage, or legal separation, either party may move for alimony. ....... Click here to get more info on Alimony
North Carolina | Child Support Law Summary
How are Cases of Child Support Handled?
The Child Support guidelines and criteria will ensure that payments ordered for the support of a child will meet the needs of the child for health, education, and maintenance. While also taking into account the estates, earnings, conditions, accustomed standard of living of the child and the parties, the child care and homemaker contributions of each party, and other facts of the particular case.Remedies for enforcement of support of minor children shall be available as follows:
- The court may require the person ordered to make payments for child support to secure the payments through bonds, mortgages, a deed of trust, or any other means used to secure obligations to pay money or transfe ....... Click here to get more info on Child Support
North Carolina | Custody Law Summary
How are Custody Proceedings Handled?
Whenever it appears to the court, from the pleadings or otherwise, that an action involves a contested issue as to the custody or visitation of a minor child, the matter, where there is a program established pursuant to G. ....... Click here to get more info on CustodyNorth Carolina | Divorce Law Summary
What are the Grounds for Divorce?
In North Caroina a couple seeking a divorce can choose either no-fault grounds or can choose the option of filing on traditional fault grounds.Grounds for divorce include:
- adultery
- alienation
- cruelty/violence
- desertion
- drug/alcohol addiction
- incurable insanity
One of the parties seeking a ....... Click here to get more info on Divorce
North Carolina | Visitation Law Summary
North Carolina law states that a biological parent of a minor child may request visitation rights as part of an open divorce, parentage or custody case or may file a petition for visitation in none of these circumstances apply.
The court will decide a request for visitation based on whether granting a parent visitation would be in the "best interests of the child."
What is considered in a child's "best interests" are not outlined under the custody and visitation statute, but rather defined by case law which indicate the following factors are relevant to this type of decision:
The court will decide a request for visitation based on whether granting a parent visitation would be in the "best interests of the child."
What is considered in a child's "best interests" are not outlined under the custody and visitation statute, but rather defined by case law which indicate the following factors are relevant to this type of decision:
- Any History of domestic violence
- The child's overall safety
- The child's current living arrangement
- The child's relationship with each parent
- Each parent's ability to care ....... Click here to get more info on Visitation
North Carolina | Property Division Law Summary
Under North Carolina law, marital property is that which is acquired or is a direct result of the labor and investments of the parties during the marriage is subject to equitable division. Equitable division does not mean marital property is divided equally, it is divided in manner that results in a fair or equitable result for each spouse.
Courts will consider the following factors:
Alternatively, non-marital property or property defined as property acquired by one spouse prior to the marriage or property acquired by a spouse intended not to be considered marital pr ....... Click here to get more info on Property Division
Courts will consider the following factors:
Alternatively, non-marital property or property defined as property acquired by one spouse prior to the marriage or property acquired by a spouse intended not to be considered marital pr ....... Click here to get more info on Property Division